Woman with morning sickness

Tips For Dealing with Morning Sickness

Nausea. Vomiting. Sensitivity. Pain. One of the most unpleasant parts of being pregnant is undoubtedly the dreaded morning sickness.

There are, however, some reliable ways to diminish morning sickness. It is just a matter of finding what is right for you and learning how to get your body to calm down.

Get Exercise and Fresh Air

One of the best ways to prevent morning sickness in advance is to make sure that you are getting enough exercise and fresh air. Of course, depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, your exercise should be modified. Many women choose to go for walks or even do yoga. There are specific yoga classes that are geared toward pregnant women, and these have diminishing morning sickness in mind.

Fresh air is also critical, and it can help relieve nausea and pain. Make sure you are going out in good weather and avoiding being outside if it is too hot or too cold.

Stay Hydrated and Enhance Your Water with Citrus

Staying hydrated is necessary for your health regularly, but exceptionally necessary when you are pregnant. The recommended amount to drink per day is about 64 ounces, but while you are pregnant, you should be drinking about double this to keep both you and your baby hydrated.

Many women also will mix certain things in their water to keep their stomach’s calmed and their nausea down. For instance, they may mix in some seltzer for carbonation, ginger ale, or even a bit of lemon juice for acidity. Sour and acidic flavors like lemon, orange, and lime, are known to help reduce nausea.

Snack Frequently

Although the last thing you may want to do while feeling nauseous is to eat, snacking can actually help reduce your nausea significantly. It is recommended that pregnant women consume protein-heavy snacks to keep a high supply of energy and prevent an empty stomach. Even if it means that you carry around trail mix, a bag of almonds, or something of the sort with you, make sure that you always have something on hand. Snacking every hour or so between meals can help you stay sustained and reduce your sickness, both in the short-term and long-term.

 Know Your Body

Although these are reliable and staple tips for reducing morning sickness, the best thing you can do is come to know your body. Be familiar with what triggers or makes your morning sickness worse, and learn what can help remedy your symptoms through trial and error.